Our Pulse Analytics and Productivity Suite is a SaaS Platform for Hospitals.

The Platform addresses key challenge in Hospitals:
Data, Analytics, Hospitals and Timely Action.

As Accreditation and Healthtech Consultants, we appreciate the need for a software solution to help raise hospital standards of care and patient safety.

We also believe in the combined value of key performance metrics with data analysis.

The Pulse Team has conceptualised, designed and engineered a revolutionary Healthtech solution for Hospitals – Pulse!

To capture and validate data from the operations floor of a hospital 24/7 is Digital Transformation!

With Pulse, you have the gift of mobility!. Capture and verify incidents and events that occur around the hospital with just a few taps on your mobile application. Gain an overall view of your hospital’s operations from your own devices whenever you need it. Mobility is key!

How many patient falls did you have over the last year?

How do you learn from, and avoid further needle stick injuries?

How well are all your departments and committees performing?

How do you monitor and improve your nurse hand-hygiene compliance?